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Cmake For Mac: A Guide to Download, Install and Use the Software


(Note: the make install step is optional, cmake will run from the build directory.) If you are not using the GNU C++ compiler, you need to tell the bootstrap script (or cmake) which compiler you want to use. This is done by setting the environment variables CC and CXX before running it. For example:

Cmake For Mac

Each release on the Download page comes with a file named cmake-$version-SHA-256.txt, where $version is the release version number.One may use this file to verify other downloads, such as the source tarball. For example:

In this page, we discuss instructions for how to compile PSCF from sourceusing the cmake build system, on either Mac OS X or linux operating systems.It is also possible to compile the code using the unix make utility alone,using a makefile that is provided with the source code. Compilation usingmake alone is described on a separate page on Compiling from source, using make.The advantage of using cmake is that cmake can generally find the paths tothe Lapack and FFTW libraries upon which PSCF depends, whereas you are morelikely to need to figure out the locations of these libraries yourself ifyou use make.

To create an environment in which you can compile from source on OSX, youwill generally first need to install the apple XCode development environment.XCode is available gratis from the Apple app store. It is a large packagethat can take a long time to install, so do this with a good internetconnection. The XCode package contains git, so it is not necessary toinstall git separately on a Mac. The Mac OS X operating system also appearsto come with a version of LAPACK, and the BLAS library upon which itdepends. Neither the operating system nor XCode provide cmake, gfortran,or FFTW.

The remaining dependencies (cmake, gfortran and FFTW) can be most easilyinstalled using either the MacPorts or Homebrew package manager systems.These are both systems for managing open-source unix software on the unixsubsystem of the Mac OSX. The choice between these package managers isup to you, but you should avoid using both on the same machine. If eitherHomebrew or MacPorts is already installed and in use on your Mac, use theexisting system, and do not install the other, because they do not playwell together. If neither Homebrew or MacPorts is installed, we have aslight preference for Homebrew, which we find makes it slightly easier toinstall the dependencies required by PSCF. We have succeeded in buildingPSCF using both of these package managers on machines that are runningthe latest version of Mac OS X (El Capitan, X 10.11), using differentpackage managers on different machines. Instructions for both packagemanagers are given separately below.

The directory named pscf/cmake/ will be used as the build directory.The source code will be placed in another subdirectory of pscf/, whichwe will call git/ to indicate that it contains the contents of the gitrepository that contains the source code.

The first step of compiling with cmake is to invoke the cmake commandin order to construct a set of makefiles that contain instructions forbuilding the system. To begin, change directory (cd) to the pscf/cmake/directory. Then make sure the cmake/ directory is empty, and remove anycontents if necessary. From there, enter:

The cmake command described above should create several subdirectoriesof the pscf/cmake/ directory, which contain makefiles with instructionsfor building pscf. To actually compile and install the program, simplyenter:

  • How to update CMake version?How to make a release?

  • MiscellaneousDocumentation:

  • Source code: -build/cmake-python-distributions

  • Mailing list: !forum/scikit-build

LicenseThis project is maintained by Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin from Kitware Inc.It is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

If you have used your Mac for C++ development before you likely have everything installed that you need. If not, some of these tools should already be present (for example rsync) but some may need to be installed, typically the compiler command line tools, cmake, ninja-build, and lldb-mi. The following step should be performed in a terminal window on the Mac to set up the development environment.

IntroductionIn this article I demonstrate how to install OpenCV for C++ from source using cmake. Following this I show how to configure my favorite code editor, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), along with the awesome Microsoft extensions CMake Tools and C/C++ IntelliSense which provides a fantastic, productivity boosting, development environment.

If you want to use cmake then please do not run autoconf because autoconf might generate files that cmake will not rewrite later if it finds it (unless you do a full rebuild).

Visual Studio's native support for CMake enables you to edit, build, and debug CMake projects on Windows, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and remote systems from the same instance of Visual Studio. CMake project files (such as CMakeLists.txt) are consumed directly by Visual Studio for the purposes of IntelliSense and browsing. cmake.exe is invoked directly by Visual Studio for CMake configuration and build.

The CMake configure step generates the project build system. It's equivalent to invoking cmake.exe from the command line. For more information on the CMake configure step, see the CMake documentation.

The CMake build step builds an already generated project binary tree. It's equivalent to invoking cmake --build from the command line. For more information on the CMake build step, see the CMake documentation.

The default existing cache experience relies on cmake-server, which was removed from CMake in version 3.20. To continue using existing cache functionality in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10 and later, take one of these steps:

Before generating the CMake cache, your custom or preferred tools may need to create a query file named .cmake/api/v1/query/client-MicrosoftVS/query.json in your build output folder (the folder that contains CMakeCache.txt). The query file should contain this content:

When your custom or preferred tools generate your cache, CMake places files under .cmake/api/v1/response that Visual Studio uses to populate the editor with information specific to your project structure.

If CMakeSettings.json is your active configuration file, Visual Studio automatically passes the vcpkg toolchain file (vcpkg.cmake) to CMake. This behavior is disabled automatically when you specify any other toolchain in your CMake Settings configuration.

If CMakePresets.json is your active configuration file, you'll need to set the path to vcpkg.cmake in CMakePresets.json. We recommend using the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable instead of an absolute path to keep the file shareable. For more information, see Enable vcpkg integration with CMake Presets. CMakePresets.json is available in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10 or later and is the recommended CMake configuration file.

After the transition to cmake, the build_visit script creates shared libraries that contain the whole path to the shared library and their dependencies. This is much how like Linux can embed paths into shared libraries using rpath. The shared libraries must contain their entire path so that development versions of VisIt (read not installed yet) can still operate without having to create links to libraries or copy libraries into the src/lib directory. Upon installation, the 3rd party libraries upon which VisIt depends are installed as part of the VisIt system, thus making it possible to separate VisIt from its development environment.

As part of the installation process, cmake already renames some of the library dependencies in each executable and shared library. This happens all the time and on the Mac we set the CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR option to @executable_path/../lib to make the VisIt libraries "execute relative". This step replaces absolute paths in the executables and shared libraries with @executable_path/../lib, which prepares the VisIt installation to be self-contained so it may be copied to other computers.

In order to make sure that osxfixup operates on all shared libraries and executables, the main CMakeLists.txt contains some logic in its installation macros that add a custom install/code rule for MacOS X. The custom install step calls osxfixup after its target is installed so the osxfixup script will operate on the target and convert its absolute paths to executable relative paths. Most of these custom osxfixup calls are made in the top level CMakeLists.txt file. Some additional calls are made in the src/CMake/ThirdPartyInstallLibrary.cmake file to ensure that 3rd party libraries are "fixed up" as they are installed or packaged.

VisIt has the possibility to fail during build if you have a different version of Qt installed on the system. This is due to a bug with CMake's module FindQt4.cmake where QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR is incorrectly set to find the system path instead of the path from VisIt's install of QT. Kitware has issued a fix for this bug: Bug Report .

I'm afraid the most likely explanation is that your build scripts need significant changes. I haven't encountered any cross platform incompatibilities on the several cmake-based projects I use. Getting cmake to generate iOS code is more difficult. There is a custom config script floating around that is designed specifically for iOS. (See

Otherwise, aside from being 8 hours too slow, I don't necessarily think you are doing anything wrong. I don't even use the above build settings anymore. One of my most important projects recently switched to cmake and that was the impetus I needed to set VERBOSE=1 and convert everything from automake, cmake, jam, ninja, and gn to Xcode. Now it works great and builds on all platforms, even in Xcode Cloud.

when running mvn clean install in GitHub - flimlib/flimlib: FLIMLib: a package for exponential curve fitting of fluorescence lifetime image data at the top level. I encounter the error Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:exec (native-cmake-generate) on project flimlib: Command execution failed.: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? 2ff7e9595c


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