On 22 February 2022, one full year after the duo's breakup, Daft Punk updated their social media channels with cryptic posts leading fans to a newly created Twitch account. At 2:22pm UTC, a one-time only stream began of the duo's full Daftendirektour performance at the Mayan Theater. At the same time, Homework (25th Anniversary Edition) was released digitally featuring the original album and 15 remixes; nine of which were previously unavailable on digital platforms. The anniversary release includes remixes from DJ Sneak (tracks 5, 12), Masters at Work (tracks 4, 6, 9, 13), Todd Terry (tracks 3, 11), Motorbass, Slam, Ian Pooley, and more. These remixes were released separately as a digital remix album titled Homework (Remixes).[75][76]
Daft Punk, Homework full album zip
Download Zip: https://urlgoal.com/2vBjE9