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Download Otome Games - Best Software & Apps - Softonic[^1^]


Keeping you updated on the latest in English otome games!Here you'll find information about traditional visual novel style GxB otome games, joseimuke with a female protagonist, games based on shoujo anime, RPGs with romance elements, as well as GxG games made for a female audience.An otome game (乙女ゲーム, meaning girl or "maiden" game) is a story based video game that is targeted towards women. Generally one of the goals, besides the main plot goal, is to develop a romantic relationship between the female player character and one of the several other characters.34,100 FollowersTop Rated GamesCommercial Visual Novels:1. Amnesia: Memories2. Code: Realize Series3. Changeling4. Collar x Malice5. Piofiore: Fated Memories6. Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom7. Sweet Fuse: At Your Side8. Café Enchanté9. The Rose of Segunda10. BUSTAFELLOWS

1. Cinderella Phenomenon2. Ebon Light3. Halloween Otome4. Aloners5. Valentines Otome6. Mystic Messenger7. Solipsism Reigns8. Fujiwara BitterSweet9. Tailor Tales10. Dark NightsRPGs:1. Fire Emblem Series2. Dragon Age Series3. Persona 3 Portable4. Rune Factory 45. Stardew ValleyFan Translations:1. Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Series2. The Second Reproduction3. Storm Lover Kai4. Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare-5. Anniversary no Kuni no AliceCurrent CampaignsChat Room"handle":"englishotomegames","arch":"js","styles":"a":"ffffff","b":100,"c":"353535","d":"945670","g":"353535","j":"945670","k":"cc799c","l":"ffffff","m":"ffffff","p":"9","q":"ffffff","r":100,"t":0,"usricon":1.3,"sbc":"d2dcbc","surl":0Chat Room RulesLinksTweets by engotomegames Sunday, 3 July 2022339 notes / Comments or Reviews var disqus_shortname = 'englishotomegames'; (function () var s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = true; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + ''; (document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0] ()); Aksys Games has announced four otome games for the Nintendo Switch!

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You are about to report a profile to the moderation team.All false reports will be sanctioned.Do you want to continue?", "REPORT_TITLE": "Report", "SAVE": "Save" }, "static\/js\/player\/inventory": "CONFIRM": "Do you really want to use 0:name?", "CONFIRMBAG": "Items obtained from bindles cannot be exchanged at the Market.", "CONFIRMBAG_OPEN": "Open the Bindle", "CONGRAT_BAG": "Congratulations!", "CONTENT_BAG_OPEN": "You have obtained:", "NOBAG": "No", "NO_NEED": "Your Companion's energy is already at it's maximum. You don't need to use this potion!", "NO_NEED_XP": "You have already reached the maximum level of experience. You don't need to use this potion!", "OK_BAG_CONTINUE": "OK", "PRESENT_BAG_ERROR": "An error occurred when opening the bindle. Please try re-opening it!", "USE": "Use", "USEBAG": "Open", "USE_ITEM_TITLE": "Use an Item", "WARNING_CONFIRM_1": "Attention: If you use this potion, 1 Energy Point will be lost!", "WARNING_CONFIRM_MANY": "Attention: If you use this potion, 0:energy Energy Point will be lost!", "WARNING_CONFIRM_XP_1": "Attention: If you use this potion, 1 Experience Point will be lost!", "WARNING_CONFIRM_XP_MANY": "Attention: If you use this potion, 0:exp Experience Points will be lost!", "YESBAG": "Yes" , "static\/js\/mall\/mall": "BUY_ITEM": "Purchase", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "LIMITED_STOCK": "Limited Quantity: 0:stock in Stock" , "static\/jsminigames\/bomboeuf\/bomboeuf_client": [], "happy-hours": "HAPPY": "HAPPY", "HAPPY_HOURS_POPUP_SUBTITLE": "For 0:happyHoursTimer, enjoy Eldarya Happy Hours!", "HOURS": "HOURS", "MAANA_AND_GOLD_PROMO_GOLD": "A GC recharge = 0:goldPromoPercentage% more", "MAANA_AND_GOLD_PROMO_MAANA": "A Maana recharge = 0:maanaPromoPercentage% more", "PROMO_GOLD": "For a completed recharge, receive 0:goldPromoPercentage% more GC!", "PROMO_MAANA": "For a completed recharge, receive 0:maanaPromoPercentage% more Maana!" , "event.bonus_outfits": "CHOSEN_REWARD_3": "Find the color variations of this outfit in the shop!", "INTRO_TEXT": "One thing led to another and you may have missed some of the marvelous outfits made by Purriry's talented paws... Now's the time to make up for it!", "INTRO_TITLE": "Exclusive Sale at Purriry's!", "LAST_DAY_TEXT": "There isn't much time left to unlock all the outfits!", "LAST_DAY_TITLE": "Last chance! \ud83d\udd14", "NO_CREDIT_TEXT": "With each bank recharge you make, unlock the choice of a bonus outfit!" , "valentines2022": "INTRO_TEXT_1": "0:pseudo, perfect timing!", "INTRO_TEXT_2": "The succubus, Akire, is back and is threatening the lands of El. Mathieu, Leiftan, Nevra and Lance are supposed to chase her down, but it\u2019s out of the question that we let them rush headlong into battle without any protection", "INTRO_TEXT_3": "Huang Chu is waiting for you at the Alchemy Lab: she needs your help to find amulets.", "INTRO_TITLE": "Akire's Return" , "home": "EMAIL_LIMITATIONS": "The email address is not valid.", "PASSWORD_LIMITATIONS": "The password must contain between 5 and 20 characters.", "PSEUDO_LIMITATIONS": "The username must begin with a letter, and must contain between 3 and 17 characters. It cannot contain special characters nor end with a space." , "music2020": "ACQUIRE": "Obtain", "OH_NO": "Oh no..." , "purrotroc": "RETRIEVE": "Collect" , "flash-sale": "INTRO_POPUP_TEXT_1": "Enjoy an exclusive item today until 23:59!", "INTRO_POPUP_TEXT_2": "Throughout the year, find items, outfits and companions from previous years.", "INTRO_POPUP_TEXT_3": "Discover what the Purrekos are offering today!", "INTRO_POPUP_TITLE": "Flash Sale!" , "appearance": "BUY_SLOTS_TEXT1": "Alas, you already have too many favorite outfits.", "BUY_SLOTS_TEXT2": "Do you want to save new creations? We can certainly work something out and find one or two places around here...", "BUY_SLOTS_TITLE": "My Dear!", "CREATED_FIRST_OUTFIT_TEXT1": "You have just chosen your first favorite outfit!To easily find the outfit, don't hesitate to give it a name.", "CREATED_FIRST_OUTFIT_TEXT2": "Know that you can consult and modify your saved outfits at any time thanks to the \"Favorite Outfits\" category in your closet!", "CREATED_FIRST_OUTFIT_TITLE": "What a beautiful outfit!", "CREATED_OUTFIT_TEXT1": "Your collection of favorite outfits is growing. To easily find your outfit, don't hesitate to give it a name.", "CREATED_OUTFIT_TEXT2": "You can consult and modify your saved outfits at any time thanks to the \"Favorite Outfits\" category in your closet!", "CREATED_OUTFIT_TITLE": "Excellent choice!", "FAVORITE_OUTFITS": "Favorite Outfits", "MY_APPEARANCE": "My Appearance", "MY_WARDROBE": "My Closet", "OUTFIT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Outfit name...", "SAVE_OUTFIT": "Save my outfit" , "black-friday2019": "VARIATIONS": "Colors" , "index": [], "summer2021": "END_TRAINING": "You have completed your practice: now it's time to get down to business!", "LOST_TRAINING": "You'll do better next time!", "NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD": "You don't have enough to continue.", "OUTFIT_BONUS": "Bonus Outfit!", "SERVER_REWARD_PERCENTAGE": "Only 0:percentage% to obtain the bonus companion!", "START": "Start", "STOCK": "Keep", "WIN_FOR_SERVER": "This round allowed you to fill the community meter!", "WIN_FRAGMENT": "You win an illustration fragment!", "WIN_TRAINING2": "Not bad!" , "valentines-day2021": "BANK_PROMO_1": "For 1,500 recharge points, receive the Missing Piece outfit!", "BANK_PROMO_2": "Once your favorite color has been chosen, you can find the other color variations in the shop!", "BANK_PROMO_3": "You only have 0:timerUntilEndEvent to collect the Missing Piece outfit and complete your Valentine's Day style!", "BANK_PROMO_4": "To win this outfit, you need 0:pointsRequired points.", "BANK_PROMO_TITLE": "Missing Piece Bonus Outfit!", "BRAVO": "Congratulations", "BUY_PAIR_1_FIX": "Purreru has a secret weapon to quickly reunite soulmates.", "BUY_PAIR_2": "How many pairs do you want to unite?", "BUY_PAIR_BUTTON": "Unite the Companions", "BUY_PAIR_TITLE_FIX": "Secret Weapon", "CONGRATULATIONS": "Congratulations", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "DATE_OVER_1": "You have finished your mission with 0:crushName: such a great team!", "DATE_OVER_LAST": "You have reunited all the Companions of the city: Mission Cupid complete!", "DATE_OVER_NOT_LAST": "Mission Cupid isn't over: some Companions are still alone... They need your help!", "END_EVENT_REMAINING_PAIRS_MANY": "You still need to find 0:count pairs today.", "END_EVENT_REMAINING_PAIRS_MULTIPLE": "You still need to find 0:count pairs today.", "END_EVENT_REMAINING_PAIRS_ONE": "You still need to find 1 pair today.", "END_EVENT_REMAINING_PAIRS_ZERO": "You have united all the lovebirds present on the site today!", "FOUND_PAIR_1": "You have found this Companion's soulmate!", "FOUND_PAIR_3_ILLU_MANY": "You still need to find 0:remainingPairCountToIllustration pairs to unlock the illustration.", "FOUND_PAIR_3_ILLU_PLURAL": "You still need to find 0:remainingPairCountToIllustration pairs to unlock the illustration.", "FOUND_PAIR_3_ILLU_SINGLE": "You still need to find 0:remainingPairCountToIllustration pair to unlock the illustration.", "FOUND_PAIR_3_LAST": "All the 0:petFamilyType have been reunited thanks to you and 1:currentCrush!", "FOUND_PAIR_3_MANY": "You need to find 0:remainingPairCountToNextItem pairs to win the next item.", "FOUND_PAIR_3_PLURAL": "You need to find 0:remainingPairCountToNextItem pairs to win the next item.", "FOUND_PAIR_3_SINGLE": "You need to find 0:remainingPairCountToNextItem pair to win the next item.", "FOUND_PAIR_ITEM": "For completing part of your mission, you win the following item: 0:itemName!", "GO_TO_EVENT": "Start the Event", "INTRO_POPUP_SUBTITLE": "Mission Cupid", "INTRO_POPUP_TEXT_1": "It's mating season, for us, and for the Companions! But this year, our feathered and scaly Companions are having trouble finding their true love... The boys have gone off to strategic spots in the city to help the Companions, and I thought that you could keep them company and help them with their mission.", "INTRO_POPUP_TEXT_2": "Plus, there are worse things than spending Valentine's Day in their company... What do you say?", "INTRO_POPUP_TITLE": "Valentine's Day", "ITEM_UNLOCKED_1": "The following item was added to your inventory: 0:itemName", "ITEM_UNLOCKED_2": "Find all its color variations in Purriry's shop!", "MALL": "Shop", "NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD": "You don't have enough to advance...", "NO_PAIR_1_FIX": "You have united all the lovebirds present on the site today! You can always go see Purreru so that he can help you with his", "NO_PAIR_2": "Or come back tomorrow to continue your mission!", "OUTFIT_UNLOCKED_1": "The Missing Piece outfit was added to your inventory.", "RELOAD": "Recharge", "SECRET_WEAPON_FIX": "Secret Weapon", "STORE_HAS_ITEM": "Acquired", "STORE_NO_ITEM": "You have not unlocked any elements from this outfit yet.", "STORE_NO_ITEM_BANK": "For a recharge of 0:pts points, receive this Legendary outfit!", "WON_BONUS_PET": "The Sogiluv companion is yours.", "WON_EXPLO_PET": "The Loutruol companion is yours." , "diaries": "NEW_DIARY_UNLOCKED_READ": "Read", "NEW_DIARY_UNLOCKED_SUBTITLE": "A scroll has been added to the library!", "NEW_DIARY_UNLOCKED_TEXT": "Warning! If you haven't finished Episode 30 and you don't want to find out what's happening, we recommend you go on your way." , "april-fools": "INTRO_CONTENT": "Hey you! Come check this out, I have something to show you...", "INTRO_TITLE": "Psst!" , "summer2020": "MINIGAME_LOST_POPUP_TITLE": "Oh no...", "WATCH_FOR_IT_IN_INVENTORY": "Find it in your inventory to make it hatch!" , "mall": "MALL": "Shop" , "free-level": "CONGRATULATIONS": "Congratulations!", "MAANAS_ADDED": "Your free Maanas were transferred to your account.", "NO_MAANA_POPUP_1": "You don't have anymore Maanas...", "NO_MAANA_POPUP_2": "Collect a", "NO_MAANA_POPUP_3": "free recharge", "NO_MAANA_POPUP_4": "and continue your adventure!", "OBTAIN": "Obtain", "THANKS": "Thanks!" , "marketplace": "DEPOSIT_TAX": "Deposit", "HELP_1": "Welcome to the Purrekos' favorite place!Here you can find all sorts of items for your gardian and her companion, or even sell items that you don't need.Here is some advice to help you use the market.", "HELP_2": "The Market is accessible to all the guardians who have reached level 7 and episode 6. If you are here, it's because you have reached those pre-requisites!To find one or more items that you want, go to the \"Market\" page. At the Market, you will be able to enjoy great deals, filter your searches and even search for a particular item by using the search bar.", "HELP_3": "Once you find the item you need, you can bid on it, or purchase it directly. If a bid is made on an object by another guardian, you will no longer be able to acquire the object immediately, you will have to place a higher bid!", "HELP_4": "Purriry's Advice: The Market is full of treasures, but to find the diamond in the rough, you really need to dig and not stop at the first page!", "HELP_5": "In \"My Auctions\", you can find all your sales, as well as the items on which you have placed bids.", "HELP_6": "Purral's Advice: Keep an eye on your auctions! If one of them is losing, you can see it on this page, and place a higher bid to be sure to obtain the item of your desires.", "HELP_7": "In your items, you'll find everything that you can sell, identifiable with the \ue802 icon in your closet.For each item you wish to sell, you will need to define a starting price for your auction, as well as an immediate purchase price for the guardians who absolutely want to have your item.", "HELP_8": "Then, you can set the duration of the auction. The longer the auction, the higher the deposit to the Purrekos will be. The deposit pays the rent on the occupied space. If your object is not purchased, you will recuperate it, and half of your deposit will be reimbursed.", "HELP_9": "Purreru's Advice: During your adventure on Eldarya, you will accumulate a good number of items. Don't hesitate to choose your items by category to be able to sort them more easily!", "HELP_10": "Your history shows the purchases and sales that you have completed over the past three months.", "HELP_11": "Purroy's advice: Have fun!", "HELP_TITLE_1": "A Little Help", "HELP_TITLE_2": "Accessing the Market", "HELP_TITLE_3": "My Auctions", "HELP_TITLE_4": "My Items", "HELP_TITLE_5": "My History", "PROPOSE": "Bid" , "missions-event": "EVENT_COLLECTABLE_FOUND": "Mission accomplished: you win a 0:collectableName for the following character: 1:npc. An illustration fragment has been unlocked!", "HOW_MANY_COLLECTABLE_TO_BUY": "How many 0:collectableName do you want to obtain?", "HOW_MANY_RAINBOW_COLLECTABLE_TO_BUY": "Select the number of multicolored 0:collectableName elements you want to obtain. They will be directly added to the Community Meter.", "MULTICOLOR_COLLECTABLE_OBTAINED": "Only 0:remainingGaugePercentage% and the Legendary companion will be unlocked!", "SERVER_PET_TEXT": "The 0:collectableName elements that you and the guardians of your server have collected have unlocked the Legendary 1:petName companion: you've won its egg!" , "christmas2019": "BACK_TO_EVENT": "Return to the Event", "TEXT_CHOOSE_BONUS": "All the colors of unlocked elements will be available in the Shop." , "music2021": "COLLECT": "Collect", "EVENT_VOICE_BOUGHT_TEXT": "Congratulations! You get:" , "valentines2019": [], "generic": "BANK_OUTFIT_UNLOCKED": "The Legendary 0:outfitName outfit has been added to your inventory! Find all the color variations at Purriry's shop!", "FIRST_BANK_PROMO_1": "For 0:requiredRechargePoints recharge points, receive the 1:outfitName bonus outfit!", "OUTFIT_BONUS": "Legendary 0:outfitName outfit", "SECOND_BANK_PROMO_1": "Only a few more hours to obtain the exclusive style for this event!", "SECOND_BANK_PROMO_2": "For 0:requiredBankPoints recharge points, receive the 1:outfitName bonus outfit!", "TREASUREHUNT_PET_TEXT_1": "You have caught the 0:petName companion! Find everything you need to care for this companion at Purreru's shop." , "angular.event-easter-2022": "POPUP_INTRO": "0:pseudo, I've been looking for you!A 1:snake infiltrated Easter Land and has been scaring all the companions since this morning! I'm supposed to chase it away by filling it up with chocolate, but there is so much to be found... Can you help me? Yes? Great! I knew that you wouldn't let your favorite kitsune down when faced with so many tokens to collect!" , "valentines2020": "BUY_ROLL_MULTIPLE": "Obtain Dice Rolls", "BUY_ROLL_TEXT": "How many Dice Rolls would you like to obtain?They will allow you to advance on the game board.", "CONFIRM_BUY_ROLL": "Obtain for 0:price ", "EGG_POPUP_CONTENT": "The Hanajo\u014d companion is yours!Find the companion egg in your inventory.", "EGG_POPUP_TITLE": "Congratulations!", "EXPLORE_AGAIN": "Explore again", "ILLUSTRATION_POPUP_TEXT": "Thanks to your choices, you have won the special Celebration of Lovers illustration!", "INTRO_POPUP_CONTENT": "The Celebration of Lovers... *yawn* tends to bore me. What if we spiced things up this year?", "INTRO_POPUP_CONTENT2": "Do you know the Hanajo\u014d game? If my memory serves me correctly, it's a type of \"board game\", as they call it in your world. You will love my version, I'm sure!", "INTRO_POPUP_CONTENT3": "Seeing you run around is tiring me out... Wake me up when you're finished. *yawn*", "INTRO_POPUP_TITLE": "Celebration of Lovers", "TITLE_CHOOSE_BONUS": "The Whanabe outfit has been added to your inventory!", "TREASUREHUNT_POPUP_CONTENT": "Your companion has brought you back a Dice Roll! Keep it preciously. It will be useful for your board game.", "TREASUREHUNT_POPUP_TITLE": "Exploration Results" , "reward": [], "common": "ACQUIRE": "Obtain", "BACK": "back", "BUY_ELEMENT_FOR": "Obtain for 0:price", "CHOOSE": "Choose", "CHOOSE_VARIATION": "Select the color of your choice:", "CONFIRM": "Confirm", "CONGRATULATIONS": "Congratulations!", "EPISODES": "Episodes", "GOOD_GAME": "Well done!", "INVENTORY": "Inventory", "ITEM_WON": "You have won the following item: 0:name", "LANCE": "Lance", "LEIFTAN": "Leiftan", "MALL": "Shop", "MATHIEU": "Mathieu", "NEVRA": "Nevra", "NEXT": "next", "NO_MAANA_POPUP_TEXT": "You don't have enough Maanas to do this.", "NO_PET": "Play Episode 3 to become the owner of a companion and start exploring.", "OBTAIN": "Obtain", "OH_NO": "Oh, no...", "OH_NOO": "Oh, no!", "OOPS": "Oops!", "OUTFIT_VARIATIONS_IN_MALL": "Find the color variations of this outfit in the shop!", "QUANTITY_INCUBATOR": "1 Incubator", "QUANTITY_INCUBATOR_MANY": "0:quantity Incubators", "QUANTITY_MAANA": "0:quantity Maanas", "QUANTITY_POTION": "1 Big Energy Potion", "QUANTITY_POTION_MANY": "0:quantity Big Energy Potions", "QUANTITY_SCROLL": "1 Hand of Midas Scroll", "QUANTITY_SCROLL_MANY": "0:quantity Hand of Midas Scrolls", "REPLAY": "Replay", "REWARDS": "Rewards", "SUPER": "Great!", "SURPRISE": "Surprise!", "THANK_YOU": "Thank you!", "TOO_BAD": "Too bad...", "VARIATIONS_IN_MALL": "Find the color variations of this element in the shop.", "WELCOME_BACK_TEXT": "You are *yawn* finally back at HQ!Here, to help you get back to your adventure, take this bindle, but don't *yawn* tell Purral...", "WELCOME_BACK_TITLE": "You're back!", "WON_ITEM": "You have won the following item: 0:name." , "easter2020": "ASHKORE_WON": "Ashkore was faster than you...But your harvest is coming along: keep going!", "ASHKORE_WON_NO_CHOCOLATES": "Ashkore was faster than you and took all the ChocoBerries with him...", "BACK": "Back", "BONUS_POPUP_CONTENT": "Find it in your inventory to hatch it!", "BONUS_POPUP_TITLE": "You have won the Candilla egg!", "BUY_CHOCOLATES_TITLE": "How many ChocoBerries do you want to obtain?", "COMPLETE_OUTFIT_TEXT": "Your ChocoBerry hunting paid off,and the 0:name outfit is complete!", "DEMO_MINIGAME_TEXT_END": "Practice is over! It's time to get down to business.To consult the mini-game rules again, access the \"?\" page.", "DEMO_POPUP_CONTENT": "Use the arrows to move around the board and guide your Guardian to collect as many ChocoBerries as possible!Careful! Ashkore is collecting ChocoBerries too, and if he runs into you three times on the game board, it's game over.", "DEMO_TITLE": "Practice!", "EVENT_TITLE": "ChocoBerryHunt", "GET_GOLD": "Obtain GC", "INTRO_POPUP_CONTENT": "For Easter, you have decided to delight Ewelein and Jamon's taste-buds with ChocoBerries, their favorite sweet treat. But Ashkore is harvesting them as well, and is set on stealing some from you!", "LOSE_MINIGAME_TEXT": "You didn't collect any ChocoBerries.", "NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD": "You don't have enough GC to continue your harvest...", "OOPS": "Oops!", "PAY_REPLAY_NOW": "Play again for 0:price ", "PAY_REPLAY_NOW_2": "Play again for 0:price ", "RESUME_HUNT": "Resume the Harvest", "RESUME_HUNT_TEXT": "Do you want to continue harvesting ChocoBerries for 0:number?", "TREASUREHUNT_POPUP_CONTENT": "Congratulations! You found 1 pack of 5 ChocoBerries!", "TREASUREHUNT_POPUP_CONTENT_TWO": "Congratulations! You found 2 packs of 5 ChocoBerries!", "VARIATIONS_AVAILABLE_IN_MALL": "Find all the color variations in the shop.", "WIN_MINIGAME_TEXT": "Your harvest is coming along! You can", "WIN_MINIGAME_TEXT_END": "Your harvest is coming along!", "WIN_MINIGAME_TEXT_WAIT": "or wait 0:hours:1:minutes:2:seconds, to allow the ChocoBerries to grow back!" , "views\/bank\/index_content": [], "views\/contact": [], "views\/episodes\/end_content": "EXP_WIN": "Experience Won: 0:xp", "ILLU_UNLOCK": "Illustrations Unlocked: 0:unlocked\/1:total", "LOM": "Love'O'Meter", "OBJECT_FOUND": "Found Items:" , "views\/user\/vacation_content": "ACTIVATE_BTN": "Activate", "ACTIVE_HOL": "Vacation Mode", "CONFIRM_HOL": "Are you sure you want to turn Vacation Mode on? In vacation mode, your account is frozen until you return. This means that your Companion doesn't consume any food and its energy is not restored, all of the game functions are unavailable (episodes, Market, exploration, ranking...) and your daily Maanas are not collected.Vacation mode can be used for a minimum of 72 hours. Once set, Vacation Mode cannot be removed before this delay has passed.Enter your password to confirm this action.", "DESACTIVE_BTN": "Deactivate", "DESACTIVE_HOL": "Deactivate Vacation Mode" , "views\/minigames\/flappy\/flappy_content": "PLAY_AGAIN": "Play Again!", "PLAY_BTN": "Play!" , "views\/minigames\/hatchlings\/hatchlings_content": "CANCEL": "Cancel", "COCOONINPICK_TITLE": "Egg'Pick", "END_OF_GAME": "Game Over! Your score: 0:score", "PRIZE_WIN_0_0": "You won 0 Experience Points and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_0_1": "You won 0 Experience Points and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_0_MANY": "You won 0 Experience Points and 0:maana Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_0": "You won 1 Experience Point and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_1": "You won 1 Experience Point and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_MANY": "You won 1 Experience Point and 0:maana Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_0": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_1": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_MANY": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 1:maana Maanas.", "START_BTN": "Start", "VALIDATE_BTN": "Confirm" , "views\/minigames\/flappy_canvas\/flappy_content": "BUBBLTEMPLE_TITLE": "Bubbl'Temple", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "METERS": "Feet", "PRIZE_END": "Game Over! Your score: 0:score", "PRIZE_WIN_0_0": "You won 0 Experience Points and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_0_1": "You won 0 Experience Points and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_0_MANY": "You won 0 Experience Points and 0:maana Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_0": "You won 1 Experience Point and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_1": "You won 1 Experience Point and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_MANY": "You won 1 Experience Point and 0:maana Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_0": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_1": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_MANY": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 1:maana Maanas.", "START_BTN": "Start", "VALIDATE_BTN": "Confirm" , "views\/minigames\/index_content": "NO_GAME": "No More Rounds", "PLAY": "Play" , "views\/minigames\/peggle\/peggle_content": "CANCEL": "Cancel", "ENDBUTTON": "You have used all your lava bombs. Click here to end the round.", "END_OF_GAME": "Game Over! Your score: 0:score", "GEMBOMB_TITLE": "Gem'Bomb", "PRIZE_WIN_0_0": "You won 0 Experience Points and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_0_1": "You won 0 Experience Points and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_0_MANY": "You won 0 Experience Points and 0:maana Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_0": "You won 1 Experience Point and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_1": "You won 1 Experience Point and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_1_MANY": "You won 1 Experience Point and 0:maana Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_0": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 0 Maanas.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_1": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 1 Maana.", "PRIZE_WIN_MANY_MANY": "You won 0:exp Experience Points and 1:maana Maanas.", "START_BTN": "Start", "VALIDATE_BTN": "Confirm" , "views\/contact\/search_content": "FRIEND_TOOL_ADD": "Add as a Friend", "FRIEND_TOOL_BL": "Add to your Blacklist", "FRIEND_TOOL_RBL": "Remove from your Blacklist", "FRIEND_TOOL_REQUEST": "Request Sent" , "views\/contact\/blacklist_content": "EMPTY_BLACKLIST": "Your blacklist is empty.", "FRIEND_TOOL_BL": "Remove from your Blacklist" , "views\/contact\/index_content": "ACCEPT_ALL": "Accept All", "EMPTY_FRIENDLIST": "Your contact list is empty.", "FRIEND_TOOL_ACCEPT": "Accept Friend Request", "FRIEND_TOOL_BL": "Add to your Blacklist", "FRIEND_TOOL_DELETE": "Remove from Friends List", "FRIEND_TOOL_MP": "Private Message", "FRIEND_TOOL_REFUSE": "Decline Friend Request", "FRIEND_TOOL_REQUEST": "Request Sent", "REFUSE_ALL": "Refuse All" , "views\/library\/index_content": "CANCEL_BTN": "Cancel", "SAVE_BTN": "Save for 100 " , "views\/moderation\/index_content": "\n CONFIRM_BAN": "Are you sure you want to ban this user?", " CONFIRM_DELETE\n ": "Are you sure you want to delete this user's profile?", "\n CONFIRM_UNBAN": "Are you sure you want to un-ban this user?", "SHOW_ACCEPT": "Accept", "SHOW_COUNT": "Number of Reports: 0:count", "SHOW_HEADER": "From: 0:name Sent: 1:date Reported by: 2:author (3:signaldate)", "s": "Refuse" , "views\/marketplace\/index_content": "TIMELAPS": "Time Remaining" , "views\/marketplace\/auctions_content": "AUCTION_ENDED": "Auction Closed", "BID": "Bid", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "GET": "Collect", "IT_ALCHEMY": "Alchemy", "IT_BAG": "Purral's Bindle", "IT_EGG": "Egg", "IT_EQUIP": "Equipment", "IT_FOOD": "Food", "IT_TAME": "Bait", "IT_TOOL": "Tools", "NEW_BET": "New Bid: 0:value", "NO_BUY_CAT": "No purchase in progress in this category.", "NO_SALE_CAT": "No sale in progress in this category.", "PRICE_START_BUBBLE": "Starting Price: 0:price Immediate Purchase Price: 1:price_imm", "TIME_FORMAT": "0:daysD 1:hoursH 2:minutesM 3:seconds" , "MARKETPLACE_AUCTIONS": "CURRENT_BID": "Current Bid: 0:value" , "christmas2022": "POPUP_INTRO": "0:pseudo, I need your help!A snake has infiltrated Christmas Land and is stealing all the gifts made by the elves. Chase the snake away before it ruins the holiday season, and recover the gifts it took back to its nest!" , "view\/contact\/search_content": "FRIEND_TOOL_ADD": "Add Friend", "FRIEND_TOOL_BL": "Add to My Blacklist", "FRIEND_TOOL_MP": "Private Message", "FRIEND_TOOL_RBL": "Remove from Blacklist", "FRIEND_TOOL_REQUEST": "Request Sent" , "view\/contact\/blacklist_content": "FRIEND_TOOL_BL": "Remove from Blacklist" , "view\/contact\/index_content": "FRIEND_TOOL_ACCEPT": "Accept Friend Request", "FRIEND_TOOL_BL": "Add to My Blacklist", "FRIEND_TOOL_DELETE": "Delete Friend", "FRIEND_TOOL_MP": "Private Message", "FRIEND_TOOL_REFUSE": "Refuse Friend Request", "FRIEND_TOOL_REQUEST": "Request Sent" , "music2022": "MINIGAME3_END_POPUP_TEXT_1": "You have collected all the 0:item, but there are never too many for a concert!" , "statis\/js\/event\/easter\/2017": [], "statis\/js\/event\/valentinesDay\/2017": [], "statis\/js\/event\/music\/2017": [], "termsOfService": "TOS_UPDATED": "TERMS OF SERVICE UPDATE", "TOS_UPDATED_CONTENT": "To continue your adventure on Eldarya, please accept the new Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service." , "pet": "PET_FOOD_STOCK_MULTIPLE_5": "0:days days", "PET_FOOD_STOCK_MULTIPLE_24": "0:days days" , "new-layout": "ACCEPT": "Accept", "BIG_POTION": "Energy Potion: Restores 100 energy points to your companion.", "BUY_FOOD": "Purchase Food", "BUY_ILLUSTRATION": "You did not get the memory-illustration.", "BUY_ILLUSTRATION_TEXT": "You can always obtain this illustration in exchange for GC.", "BUY_ILLUSTRATION_TEXT2": "You can always obtain this illustration in exchange for GC or Maanas.", "BUY_ILLUSTRATION_TEXT3": "You can also start a replay once you have completed the episode.", "BUY_POTIONS": "Purchase Energy", "CAPTURE_PET": "Bait", "ENERGY": "Energy", "ENERGY_TEXT": "Your Companion doesn't have enough energy to explore this area. Click on a potion to recharge your Companion's energy.", "ENERGY_TEXT_ENOUGH": "Do you want to recharge your Companion's energy?", "ENERGY_TEXT_FULL": "Your Companion is already in top shape! Send them to explore to unlock treasures!", "FEED_POPUP_TITLE": "Feed your Companion", "FEED_STOCK": "Your Companion has food in its stock for:", "FEED_TEXT": "You can give food you have in stock to your Companion. Don't forget: A malnourished Companion will not have enough energy, and may even return to its egg!", "FOOD_COUNT": "Available in your Inventory: 0:count", "HATCHING_TIME_8": "1 minute and 1 second", "HATCHING_TIME_10": "1 second", "HATCHING_TIME_11": "0 seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS5_MINUTES0": "0:hours hours and 0 minutes", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS5_MINUTES1": "0:hours hours and 1 minute", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS5_MINUTES_5": "0:hours hours and 1:minutes minutes", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS5_MINUTES_24": "0:hours hours and 1:minutes minutes", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS24_MINUTES0": "0:hours hours and 0 minutes", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS24_MINUTES1": "0:hours hours and 1 minute", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS24_MINUTES_5": "0:hours hours and 1:minutes minutes", "HATCHING_TIME_HOURS24_MINUTES_24": "0:hours hours and 1:minutes minutes", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES1_SECONDS5": "1 minute and 0:seconds seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES1_SECONDS24": "1 minute and 0:seconds seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES5_SECONDS0": "0:minutes minutes and 0 seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES5_SECONDS1": "0:minutes minutes and 1 second", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES5_SECONDS5": "0:minutes minutes and 1:seconds seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES5_SECONDS24": "0:minutes minutes and 1:seconds seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES24_SECONDS0": "0:minutes minutes and 0 seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES24_SECONDS1": "0:minutes minutes and 1 second", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES24_SECONDS5": "0:minutes minutes and 1:seconds seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_MINUTES24_SECONDS24": "0:minutes minutes and 1:seconds seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_SECONDS5": "0:seconds seconds", "HATCHING_TIME_SECONDS24": "0:seconds seconds", "INCUBATOR": "Incubator", "INCUBATOR_BUY_TEXT": "Available in your Inventory: 0:number", "INCUBATOR_BUY_TEXT2": "Used to hatch a Companion egg.", "POTIONS_COUNT": "Available in your Inventory: 0:count1 1:count2", "SMALL_POTION": "Small Energy Potion: Restores 50 energy points to your Companion.", "TAME_TUTO": "To catch a Companion, you need the correct bait.", "TAME_TUTO2": "Here, you can find the baits for all the different Companions in the city, including the one you need.", "TIMER_TREASURE_HUNT_MIN": "0:min minutes", "TIMER_TREASURE_HUNT_MIN_1": "1 minute", "TIMER_TREASURE_HUNT_SEC": "0:sec seconds", "TIMER_TREASURE_HUNT_SEC_0": "0 seconds", "TIMER_TREASURE_HUNT_SEC_1": "1 second", "TUTO_GO_EGGS": "Click here to access your eggs and your incubator!", "VALIDATE": "Confirm" , "christmas2020": "YOU_WON_ITEM": "The bonus outfit is yours!" }, "en_US") !Join Us 2ff7e9595c


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