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How to Find the Best Gobuster Wordlists for Your Pentesting Needs


How to Download Gobuster Wordlists

Gobuster is a powerful tool for web directory enumeration, subdomain discovery, virtual host identification, and more. It works by sending requests to a target web server with different paths or names and analyzing the responses. To do this, it needs a list of words to try, also known as a wordlist.

Wordlists are essential for gobuster, as they determine the scope and quality of the enumeration. A good wordlist should be comprehensive, relevant, and up-to-date. A bad wordlist can result in missing important directories, wasting time and resources, or triggering security alerts.

download gobuster wordlists

In this article, you will learn how to download gobuster wordlists from various sources, how to use them effectively, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Let's get started!

How to Download Gobuster Wordlists

There are many ways to obtain wordlists for gobuster, depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some of the most common methods:

Using the Default Wordlists in Kali Linux

If you are using Kali Linux, you already have access to several wordlists that come pre-installed with the operating system. You can find them in the /usr/share/wordlists directory. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • dirb: A collection of wordlists from the DirBuster tool, which is similar to gobuster.

  • dirbuster: Another collection of wordlists from the DirBuster tool, with different sizes and languages.

  • rockyou: A large wordlist that contains over 14 million passwords, often used for password cracking.

  • nmap: A small wordlist that contains common web server files and directories, used by the Nmap scanner.

To use one of these wordlists with gobuster, you just need to specify the full path of the file with the -w flag. For example:

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gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt

Using the SecLists Repository

If you want more variety and quality in your wordlists, you can check out the SecLists repository on GitHub. SecLists is a curated collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, such as usernames, passwords, URLs, subdomains, extensions, and more. It is maintained by Daniel Miessler and Jason Haddix, two well-known security researchers.

To download SecLists, you can either clone the repository with git or download it as a zip file. The repository is quite large (over 2 GB), so you may want to use the --depth 1 option with git to reduce the size. For example:

git clone --depth 1

Once you have SecLists on your machine, you can browse through its directories and find the wordlist that suits your needs. Some of the most useful ones for gobuster are:

  • Discovery/Web-Content: A directory that contains various wordlists for web content discovery, such as common files, directories, extensions, parameters, etc.

  • Discovery/DNS: A directory that contains various wordlists for DNS enumeration, such as subdomains, top-level domains, etc.

  • Fuzzing: A directory that contains various wordlists for fuzzing, such as common injections, payloads, encodings, etc.

To use one of these wordlists with gobuster, you just need to specify the full path of the file with the -w flag. For example:

gobuster dns -d -w SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt

Using Custom Wordlists from Online Sources

If you want to create your own wordlists or use wordlists from other sources, you can do so as well. There are many online tools and websites that allow you to generate or download custom wordlists for different purposes. Some of them are:

  • : A web-based tool that allows you to create wordlists based on various criteria, such as length, character set, pattern, etc.

  • : A GitHub repository that contains wordlists based on probability analysis of real-world data, such as passwords, usernames, etc.

  • : A large wordlist that contains over 1.5 billion entries, compiled from various sources and optimized for password cracking.

To use one of these wordlists with gobuster, you just need to download the file and specify the full path of the file with the -w flag. For example:

gobuster dir -u -w crackstation.txt

How to Use Gobuster Wordlists

Now that you know how to download gobuster wordlists, you need to know how to use them effectively. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your wordlists:

Specifying the Wordlist with the -w Flag

The most basic way to use a wordlist with gobuster is to specify the file name or path with the -w flag. This will tell gobuster to use the words in the file as input for the enumeration. For example:

gobuster dir -u -w wordlist.txt

This will scan the target website for directories using the words in the wordlist.txt file.

Choosing the Right Wordlist for the Target

Not all wordlists are created equal. Some wordlists are more suitable for certain targets than others. For example, if you are scanning a WordPress website, you may want to use a wordlist that contains common WordPress files and directories, such as wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes, etc. If you are scanning a subdomain of a large domain, you may want to use a wordlist that contains common subdomains, such as www, mail, blog, etc.

To choose the right wordlist for your target, you need to do some research and reconnaissance. You need to understand what kind of website or service you are dealing with, what technologies and frameworks it uses, what features and functionalities it offers, etc. You can use tools like Nmap, Wappalyzer, WhatWeb, etc. to gather some information about your target. You can also browse through the website manually and look for clues and hints.

Once you have some idea about your target, you can select a wordlist that matches its characteristics and features. You can also customize or modify your wordlist by adding or removing words that are relevant or irrelevant to your target. For example, if you know that your target website uses PHP as its server-side scripting language, you may want to add .php as an extension to your wordlist.

Combining Multiple Wordlists with the -p Flag

Sometimes, one wordlist is not enough. You may want to use multiple wordlists to cover more ground and increase your chances of finding something interesting. For example, you may want to use a general wordlist for common files and directories, and a specific wordlist for a certain technology or framework.

To combine multiple wordlists with gobuster, you can use the -p flag. This will tell gobuster to append each word in the second wordlist to each word in the first wordlist. For example:

gobuster dir -u -w wordlist1.txt -p wordlist2.txt

This will scan the target website for directories using the words in the wordlist1.txt file, followed by the words in the wordlist2.txt file. For example, if wordlist1.txt contains admin and wordlist2.txt contains .php and .html, gobuster will try admin.php, admin.html, etc.

This can be useful for finding hidden files or directories with different extensions, or for brute-forcing parameters or values.


Gobuster is a great tool for web enumeration, but it needs good wordlists to work effectively. In this article, you learned how to download gobuster wordlists from various sources, how to use them properly, and how to avoid common mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Wordlists are essential for gobuster, as they determine the scope and quality of the enumeration.

  • You can find wordlists in Kali Linux, SecLists, or online tools and websites.

  • You need to choose the right wordlist for your target, based on your research and reconnaissance.

  • You can combine multiple wordlists with gobuster using the -p flag.

Now that you know how to download gobuster wordlists, you can start using them to discover hidden web resources and vulnerabilities. Remember to always use gobuster ethically and responsibly, and respect the rules and permissions of your target. Happy hacking!


What are some common wordlist formats?

Some common wordlist formats are:

  • .txt: A plain text file that contains one word per line.

  • .csv: A comma-separated values file that contains multiple words per line, separated by commas.

  • .json: A JavaScript Object Notation file that contains words in a structured format, such as arrays or objects.

  • .xml: An Extensible Markup Language file that contains words in a hierarchical format, such as elements or attributes.

How can I create my own wordlist?

You can create your own wordlist by using various tools and techniques, such as:

  • : A tool that generates custom wordlists from a given website, based on the words found on its pages.

  • : A tool that performs web directory enumeration and creates a wordlist from the results.

  • : A tool that generates domain name variations and creates a wordlist from them.

  • : A technique that involves extracting words from web pages or other sources using scripts or tools.

  • : A tool that generates wordlists based on user input, such as names, dates, keywords, etc.

How can I optimize gobuster performance with wordlists?

You can optimize gobuster performance with wordlists by using various options and flags, such as:

  • -t: This sets the number of threads to use for concurrent requests. The default is 10, but you can increase it to speed up the scan or decrease it to reduce the load.

  • -k: This skips SSL certificate verification. This can save some time and avoid errors when scanning HTTPS websites with self-signed or invalid certificates.

  • -s: This specifies the status codes to show or hide. The default is to show all status codes, but you can filter out some codes that are not relevant or interesting, such as 404 (Not Found) or 301 (Moved Permanently).

  • -x: This adds an extension to each word in the wordlist. This can help you find files with different extensions, such as .php, .html, .bak, etc.

  • -r: This follows redirects. This can help you find the final destination of some URLs that may be hidden or obfuscated by the web server.

How can I avoid detection when using gobuster wordlists?

Using gobuster wordlists can be noisy and intrusive, and may trigger some security mechanisms or alerts on the target website or network. To avoid detection and reduce the risk of being blocked or banned, you can use some techniques and precautions, such as:

  • -a: This sets the user-agent string to use for the requests. The default is gobuster, which is very obvious and easy to spot. You can change it to something more common or benign, such as a browser user-agent or a crawler user-agent.

  • -H: This adds a custom HTTP header to the requests. You can use this to spoof or mimic some legitimate headers, such as cookies, referers, accept, etc.

  • -U and -P: These set the username and password to use for basic authentication. You can use these if the target website requires authentication, and you have valid credentials.

  • -e: This expands the URLs by printing the full URL with each result. This can help you identify and avoid some false positives or misleading results, such as error pages, redirection loops, etc.

  • -z: This enables DNS mode. This can help you bypass some firewalls or filters that block HTTP requests, by using DNS queries instead.

What are some alternatives to gobuster and wordlists?

Gobuster and wordlists are not the only tools and methods for web enumeration. There are some alternatives that you can use, depending on your situation and preference. Some of them are:

  • : A graphical tool that performs web directory enumeration using wordlists. It has some features that gobuster does not have, such as recursive scanning, file extension brute-forcing, etc.

  • : A mode of gobuster that performs virtual host discovery using wordlists. It can help you find hidden or aliased domains or subdomains on a web server.

  • : A fast web fuzzer that performs web enumeration using wordlists. It has some features that gobuster does not have, such as content discovery, parameter fuzzing, filter and matcher options, etc.

  • : A tool that performs web enumeration using templates. It can help you find various web vulnerabilities and misconfigurations on a web server.

  • : A tool that performs web enumeration using paths. It can help you fetch many paths from many hosts in parallel.



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