The Internet Archive started by being an archive of the Internet, and then moved to being an archive on the Internet. This has meant we have worked with libraries to digitize millions of books, music, and videos, and tried to bring these to the Internet. We are now moving towards building libraries with communities and libraries to share and make permanent the digital materials we are all generating. I would say it is working, but more slowly than I had hoped. I believe we have a massive project to do together, which is to put the best we have to offer within reach of our kids. And kids these days (as well as most of us) turn to the Internet: if it is not online then it is as if it did not exist. Therefore, we need to move all the best works online and then find mechanisms to serve these to anyone who wants them (Fig. 3). We need to do this now because every year that passes in which the twentieth century is not online is another year in which students graduate without having it in the library they use every day: the Internet.
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